Easily overcome obstacles, create positive permanent change, and energize your quality of life with chi energy. Email and ask about adding affirmations directly to your card or write down your affirmations and carry it with your transfer test. Add this exciting powerful energy to your vision boards, affirmations, etc. If you request a 3 day chi energy transfer test, you'll receive it within 24 hours. You will receive the 24 hour transfer test by email instantly and you will be free to experience the power of a continuous supply of chi energy. Print the chi energy card you receive by email. Color or Black and white, Any size that feels comfortable to you. Relax and hold the palm of your hand over the card. You will feel a warmth, cool breeze, or tingling in the fingers. This is chi energy and it's transmitted to you from any distance. Now follow the instructions included on the experiment page and charge your water.

New Affirmation Chi Card. I've set up a new chi card offering for $9.99 a month. You can have an affirmation added to a chi card and add extra energy to your affirmations. Short affirmations work best. An example can be seen here:

If you're located within the US and would like to order an orgone generator or if you're looking for radionics software you can see the online catalog here
Click here to receive free course pdfs by email, receive a free download of a filter pack (trend cards) or to purchase trend cards, or the basic manifestation program at the life manifestation digital store
magick emblem Request your 3 day transfer
test, click the following link
below: and use chiuser pass ChiPass123


Plant without extra chi energy.

Plant with extra chi energy. Shoe as frame of reference.

Welcome to the Chi Energy Transfer Test. Enter your name and e-mail address in the form above, and a chi energy transfer test will be automatically sent to your e-mail. If you use a yahoo e-mail address, be sure to check the junk box if you don't see the message in your inbox.
Want 24 hours of chi energy free? e-mail your request and we'll get back to you asap. Experience the effects of Chi Energy for twenty four hours for free.    Print out your Chi Card and test it, following the instructions here. Have a glass of water handy so that you can taste the difference when performing this amazing test of chi energy technology !!! Click here for an experiment to try with your transfer test.
If you're located within the US and would like to order an orgone generator you can see the online catalog here
For free courses or a free filter pack by email or to purchase filter packs (trend cards) or the basic manifestation program see the Life Manifestation Course Store

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